The V710 Y2000 is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It is also available as standard with a Y5000/L5000 or Y8500/L8500 or Y11500 injection unit.
Main advantages of all G10 Extended presses
The V710 L5000 or Y5000 is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It may be equipped with a L-shaped or Y-shaped injection unit of 5000 cc.
It is also available as standard with a Y2000 or Y8500/L8500 or Y11500 injection unit.
Main advantages of all G10 Extended presses
The V710 L8500 or Y8500 is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It may be equipped with a L-shaped or Y-shaped injection unit of 8500 cc.
It is available as standard with a Y2000 or Y5000/L5000 or Y11500 injection unit.
Main advantages of all G10 Extended presses
The V710 Y11500 is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It is available as standard with a Y2000 or Y5000/L8500 or Y8500 injection unit.
Main advantages of all G10 Extended presses
The V810 Y2000 is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It is available as standard with a Y2000 or Y5000/L8500 or Y11500 injection unit.
Main advantages of all G10 Extended presses
The V810 Y5000 is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It may be equipped with a L-shaped or Y-shaped injection unit of 5000 cc.
It is available as standard with a Y2000 or Y8500/L8500 or Y11500 injection unit.
Main advantages of all G10 Extended presses
The V810 8500cc is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It may be equipped with a L-shaped or Y-shaped injection unit of 8500 cc.
It is available as standard with a Y2000 or Y5000/L5000 or Y11500 injection unit.
Main advantages of all G10 Extended presses
The V810 Y11500 is a G10 press belonging to the Performance Range.
It is available as standard with a Y2000 or Y5000/L8500 or Y8500/L8500 injection unit.